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The return on investment from sustainability & social impact

When we think about giving, it’s often viewed as a cost or a necessary expense to maintain a business’s image or fulfil social responsibility. But what if we shifted this perspective? What if we saw giving as an investment—one with real, measurable returns? This is the approach we take at Investors in Community (IIC).

Social impact: A strategic business investment

Giving back is a strategic business move. Forward-thinking businesses recognise that investing in sustainability and social impact can deliver significant returns. Here’s how:

  • Reputation and brand loyalty: Customers are more socially conscious than ever. A strong commitment to sustainability and social impact enhances brand reputation and builds loyalty. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2023, 79% of Gen Z in the UK say it is more important than ever to trust the brands they buy from. This trend suggests that transparency and ethical behaviour, such as supporting vetted charities, can significantly influence consumer loyalty and brand preference.
  • Employee engagement and retention: Investing in sustainability and social impact initiatives has been shown to boost employee morale and reduce turnover rates. The “State of Customer Experience: 2023 UK Consumer Study” found that brands perceived as delivering positive social impact and innovative products had higher levels of customer loyalty. This reflects how a strong social impact strategy can boost both consumer and employee engagement
  • Financial performance: Socially responsible businesses often see a positive impact on their bottom line. Research by Porter and Kramer shows that companies that integrate social impact into their core business strategy can gain a competitive edge, creating opportunities for growth and differentiation in crowded markets.

The IIC platform: Measuring your impact, maximising your return

So, how do you make sure your social investments yield the highest returns? This is where the IIC platform comes in:

  • Quantifiable impact: With our unique Community Credits system, businesses can tangibly measure all forms of giving, from donations to volunteer hours. This offers transparency and accountability, showcasing the true impact of your contributions.
  • Strategic alignment: The IIC platform ensures that your social impact efforts align with your business goals, reinforcing your mission, values, and long-term strategies.
  • Enhanced reporting: Real-time, detailed reports provide insights into how your giving makes a difference, enabling better decision-making and continuous improvement.

Key questions for your business

  • How can we align our giving with our business objectives to maximise our return on investment?
  • Are we effectively measuring and reporting the impact of our social initiatives?
  • What steps can we take to ensure that our social investments provide real value to both our business and the communities we serve?

Take the next step

Is your business ready to strategically leverage the full potential of giving? Discover how the IIC platform can help turn your social impact into a strategic advantage. Contact us today to learn more.

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SEO and Meta Details:

  • Meta Title:
    “The ROI of Social Impact: Turning Giving into Strategic Investment 
  • Meta Description:
    Discover how investing in sustainability and social impact can deliver measurable returns for your business. 
  • SEO Keywords:
    Social impact ROI, sustainable business investment, benefits of social impact, IIC platform, Community Credits, strategic giving, business growth through social responsibility, impact measurement, social impact reporting

LinkedIn post

Giving is so much more than just a cost to your business. This article shows you how investing in social impact and sustainability can give you measurable returns for your business. From enhancing brand loyalty to driving employee engagement and financial performance, the benefits to strategically giving are pretty impressive!

#SocialImpact #BusinessGrowth #CommunityCredits #ROI #IICMovement

Connecting communities through the IIC platform

One of the most significant challenges in charitable giving is ensuring that resources are being used in the right way at the right time. At Investors in Community (IIC), we bridge the gap between businesses and charities, creating a seamless connection that ensures resources reach those in need, efficiently and effectively.

A real-world scenario

Recently, a local business wanted to donate a large quantity of furniture to a charity. However, the charity lacked the storage space needed to accept the donation, leading to a potential loss of valuable resources. This is a common issue that charities face – the need for resources is there, but logistical barriers often prevent these resources from being fully put to use.

The power of the IIC platform

Imagine if this scenario had been handled through the IIC platform. The business and charity could have listed the need for pro bono storage and other businesses or community organisations with available storage space could have stepped in to offer a ‘gift in kind’ of storage space! The result? The furniture donation would have made a significant impact through reaching its intended recipients without any logistical hitches.

Benefits of community connections through IIC

  • Efficient resource utilisation: The IIC platform ensures that resources are not wasted due to logistical challenges, enabling efficient and effective use of donations. By connecting businesses and charities directly, we eliminate unnecessary delays and barriers, ensuring that resources are used where they are needed most.
  • Enhanced community collaboration: Businesses, charities, and other community organisations can collaborate more effectively, pooling resources and expertise to address community needs. This enhanced collaboration builds a stronger sense of community, encouraging continuous support and partnership.
  • Increased impact: By creating these connections, the IIC platform helps maximise the impact of every donation, ensuring that resources reach those who need them most. The platform’s ability to streamline the donation process means that charitable efforts have a broader and more profound effect on communities.

Why choose IIC for community connections?

  • User-friendly interface: The IIC platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making it simple for businesses and charities to connect and coordinate. Our straightforward process allows users to quickly list needs and available resources, promoting swift and effective action.
  • Real-time updates: The platform provides real-time updates on available resources and needs, enabling quick and efficient matching of donations to recipients. This feature ensures that both businesses and charities are always informed and can act promptly to meet community needs.
  • Community Credits system: Every act of giving is quantified through the Community Credits system, providing a tangible measure of social impact that businesses can report on and showcase to stakeholders. This system not only highlights the generosity of businesses but also allows for transparent and accountable reporting of social impact.

Take action

Why not join the IIC platform today and be part of a community that makes real connections for greater good? Discover how our platform can help your business support charities in a meaningful and impactful way. Contact us to learn more and start making a difference.

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SEO and Meta Information:

  • Meta Description: Learn how Investors in Community (IIC) connects businesses and charities, ensuring effective resource utilisation and enhanced community collaboration. 
  • Keywords: community connections, business donations, charity logistics, IIC platform, social impact, resource utilisation, corporate social responsibility, charitable giving

LinkedIn Post:

Ever wondered how your business can make a more significant impact with its donations? 

The IIC platform bridges the gap between businesses and charities, making sure resources are used effectively.

Check out our latest article on how the IIC platform seamlessly bridges the gap between businesses and charities, making sure resources are used effectively for greater social impact.

#SocialImpact #CommunityEngagement #CharitableGiving #BusinessResponsibility #InvestorsInCommunity

How your employees’ experiences influence their charitable giving

Personal experiences and social networks play a crucial role in the charities your teams choose to support through giving. It makes perfect sense that, when individuals witness or experience a cause firsthand, they are more likely to donate and encourage others to do the same. Your businesses can harness this power by encouraging the individuals in your teams to share their giving stories, building a culture of generosity and engagement.

How you can encourage story sharing

Businesses can:

  • Create internal platforms for employees to share their experiences.
  • Highlight individual stories in company newsletters or meetings.
  • Organise events where employees can discuss their charitable activities.

Sharing these stories can inspire others to get involved and highlight the personal impact of charitable actions.

The hidden impact of employee giving

It’s really likely that a number of individuals in your business will be actively engaging in charitable activities outside of work, such as volunteering, pro bono work, gifts in kind, fundraising, or making personal donations. However, companies often lack the tools to record, measure, and report these contributions. According to a study by Charities Aid Foundation, 62% of employees prefer working for companies that support and encourage giving back to the community. This indicates a significant portion of your workforce is likely already contributing to social good in various ways.

How the IIC platform can work for you

The Investors in Community (IIC) platform can help businesses bring these hidden contributions to light. By using the IIC platform, businesses can:

  • Record all forms of employee giving, from volunteer hours to pro bono work.
  • Measure the impact of these activities through detailed, real-time reports.
  • Report on the collective social impact of the organisation.

This not only boosts employee morale but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to Social Impact. By leveraging your employees’ personal connections to charities and their experiences, you can improve your business’ culture of giving and can enhance your overall social impact.

Take action

How is your business capturing the hidden Social Impact of your employees’ charitable giving for good? Discover how the IIC platform can help you record, measure, and report on all forms of giving, creating a transparent and impactful CSR strategy. Get in touch to find out more.

Admin stuff

Meta Description: Discover how personal experiences and social networks influence charitable giving and how businesses can leverage this through the IIC platform to build a culture of generosity and measure social impact effectively.

Keywords: charitable giving, social impact, employee engagement, personal experiences, social networks, volunteering, pro bono work, Investors in Community, community engagement, social responsibility, business giving, IIC platform

LinkedIn/GMB Post

It makes perfect sense that your employees are more likely to support a cause they feel personally connected to. Through sharing their experiences with colleagues, it can build a stronger culture of giving in your business, and inspire others to get involved. 

But how can you record, measure and report on these acts of kindness? Well that’s where the IIC platform comes in. Take a look at our article and if our suggestions resonate with you, get in touch with us!

#SocialImpact #EmployeeEngagement #CharitableGiving #CommunitySupport #BusinessImpact #IIC

The benefits of giving beyond monetary donations

There’s no doubt that businesses and individuals are feeling the pinch. What might surprise you is that in 2023 there was a record £13.9 billion donated to charity by the UK public (up from £12.7 billion in 2022). It will be fascinating to see if the figures continue to rise during 2024, but while financial donations remain essential, it’s important to recognise the significant impact of non-monetary contributions. Good people still want to do good, even if they can’t afford to donate as much money as they would like to. 

We’re going to take a look at the various ways to give and how these contributions can be just as valuable, if not more so, in times of economic hardship.

Volunteering time and skills One of the most powerful ways to give back is through volunteering. Businesses can encourage their employees to volunteer their time and skills to local charities and community projects. Whether it’s providing professional expertise, participating in community clean-ups, or mentoring disadvantaged youth, these efforts create tangible benefits for those in need. People feel great when they help others, and NCVO’s 2023 Time Well Spent survey illustrates this, with volunteers reporting positive impacts on their lives such as enjoyment (89% of respondents), making a difference (89%), a sense of achievement (88%) and increased social connection (87%). Volunteering builds a sense of purpose and engagement among your teams, boosting morale and building stronger connections within the community.

Donating goods and services Another impactful way to contribute is by donating goods and services. Businesses can offer surplus inventory, office supplies, or even pro-bono services to charities and community organisations. For instance, a marketing firm could provide free advertising services to a local non-profit, or a restaurant could donate meals to a homeless shelter. These contributions can significantly alleviate operational costs for charities and enable them to direct more resources towards their core mission.

Engaging in community projects Businesses can play a vital role in local community projects. From sponsoring local events to participating in neighbourhood improvement initiatives, businesses can use their influence and resources to drive positive change. This type of involvement builds connections with a business’ local community and strengthens its reputation and relationship with local stakeholders.

Employee-driven initiatives Encouraging employees to spearhead their own charitable initiatives can lead to creative and impactful ways of giving. Businesses can support these efforts by providing resources, time, and platforms for employees to organise fundraisers, charity drives, or awareness campaigns. This approach empowers employees, builds a culture of giving, and generates diverse ideas for community support.

Leveraging the IIC platform Investors in Community (IIC) offers a comprehensive platform to manage, measure, and report all forms of giving. Businesses can use the IIC platform to record volunteer hours, track donated goods and services, and report on community project involvement. The platform’s Community Credits system quantifies these contributions, providing a tangible measure of Social Impact. This transparency builds trust with stakeholders and showcases the real impact of the business’s social responsibility efforts.

Measuring tangible impact The IIC platform enables businesses to see the direct results of their non-monetary and financial contributions. Detailed reporting tools help businesses understand the value of their efforts and communicate this impact to employees, customers, and investors. By highlighting the breadth of their social impact, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, even in economically challenging times.

Giving is about so much more than just money. Businesses can still make significant Social Impact through volunteering, donating goods and services, engaging in community projects, and supporting employee-driven initiatives. The IIC platform helps businesses track and showcase these contributions, ensuring that every act of giving is recognised and valued. By broadening our understanding of giving, we can all continue to support our communities and create a positive social impact, no matter our financial situation.

Admin stuff

Meta Description: Discover how businesses can make a significant social impact beyond monetary donations. Learn about volunteering, donating goods, community projects, and how the Investors in Community (IIC) platform can help manage and measure these contributions.

Keywords: social impact, non-monetary donations, volunteering, donating goods, community projects, employee engagement, IIC platform, social responsibility, sustainability, business giving, community involvement

LinkedIn/GMB post

Despite the economic squeeze, last year the UK public donated a record £13.9 billion to charity. Giving isn’t just about the money, though. Businesses can significantly impact their communities through pro bono work, volunteering, donating goods and services, and engaging in local projects. Learn how the IIC platform can help you measure and report your teams’ contributions effectively, showcasing your Social Impact in a uniquely transparent way. 

How is your business making an impact beyond monetary donations?

#SocialImpact #CommunityEngagement #BusinessGiving #IIC #ESG

How Can I Effectively Spend my Year End Charity Budgets?

While the tradition of year-end generosity among UK businesses is commendable, a critical issue often arises as companies hurriedly allocate surplus budgets to charities in a bid to meet philanthropic commitments before the fiscal year concludes.

For many businesses, unspent charity budgets are often absorbed back into the P&L, and therefore lost. The perceived solution is to hurriedly find random charities to fulfil the philanthropy aims of the original purpose driven budget.

The problem lies in the scattered nature of these donations, as the urgency to utilise funds can result in a lack of strategic deployment.


The Challenge of Scattered Year End Donations:

Lack of Focus: The urgency to utilise surplus budgets before the fiscal year-end can lead to hasty decisions, causing companies to donate to a diverse range of causes without a clear focus or strategic alignment.

Limited Impact: Scattered donations may result in minimal impact on any single cause, as the funds are spread thin across various charities. This dilution diminishes the potential for creating substantial, long-lasting change.

Missed Opportunities: Charities receiving last-minute, scattered donations may struggle to plan and implement effective programs, missing out on the chance to optimize the impact of the funds received.


If you are a charity budget holder with surplus yet to be allotted, and would like to find a controlled solution, then help is at hand.

Investors In Community is able to hold your donation in a charity wallet, that you can allot to your chosen good causes over the months or even years that follow your current year end.

By uploading your budget to your business profile wallet, it has in legal terms been donated to the Investors In Community Giving (IICG) CIO registered charity. The representation of the money sits in your business’s wallet, and you are able to then instruct the passing of this money to your chosen charities and good causes, whenever you want, in whatever denominations you choose.

The benefits are clear:

  1. You can select those causes that fit your evolving strategic aims, as opposed to reactively throwing the budget at a variety of charities as a means to commit to your CSR budget spend
  1. This can be done over your year end, as you have effectively donated to IICG charity, but you still control the funds for later deployment
  2. Better outcomes are then evidenced, by the thought-out donating, and a more defined Impact Statement can be had as a result
  3. All donations are tracked and measured, giving a full audit trail for your records

Use the IIC business wallet all year round, to control, measure, audit, and report all your community and charity giving.

This will save time and money in a single efficient process of managing, deploying, verifying and auditing your business’s generosity.

For more details, contact

Why Giving Back To The Community Is Essential For Morale, Awareness, and Growth?

Giving back to the community is essential for morale, awareness, and growth for several reasons:

  1. Fosters a Sense of Purpose and Morale: When individuals or organizations engage in activities that benefit the community, it instills a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Knowing that their actions have a positive impact on others boosts morale and encourages continued engagement.
  2. Builds Stronger Community Bonds: By giving back, individuals and businesses become more connected with the community they serve. This helps to build trust and stronger relationships, leading to a more cohesive and supportive community overall.
  3. Increases Awareness of Social Issues: Engaging in community-focused initiatives exposes individuals and organizations to various social issues and challenges faced by others. This heightened awareness can lead to greater empathy and understanding, encouraging further efforts to address those issues.
  4. Promotes Social Responsibility: Giving back cultivates a sense of social responsibility. It reminds individuals and organizations of their role as members of a larger society and encourages them to contribute positively to its well-being.
  5. Enhances Reputation and Brand Image: Businesses that actively participate in community initiatives are often viewed more favorably by consumers. A strong commitment to social causes can enhance a company’s reputation and brand image, leading to increased customer loyalty and support.
  6. Creates a Positive Cycle of Giving: When individuals or organizations give back to the community, it often inspires others to do the same. This positive cycle of giving can lead to a more compassionate and supportive society.
  7. Encourages Personal and Professional Growth: Engaging in community service and giving back can provide individuals with valuable learning experiences. It allows them to develop new skills, expand their network, and gain a broader perspective on life and the world.
  8. Addresses Local Needs and Gaps: By actively participating in community initiatives, individuals and organizations can identify and address specific needs and gaps that may be overlooked by larger institutions. This targeted approach can have a more direct and meaningful impact.
  9. Strengthens Civic Engagement: Giving back encourages people to be more involved in their communities, whether through volunteering, activism, or participating in local events. This increased civic engagement contributes to the overall health and vibrancy of the community.
  10. Contributes to Sustainable Development: Community-focused initiatives often aim to create sustainable solutions to various challenges. By actively working towards long-term solutions, individuals and organizations contribute to the sustainable development of the community and society as a whole.

In summary, giving back to the community is not only a way to help others but also a means of personal and professional growth. It strengthens community bonds, raises awareness of important issues, and fosters a more compassionate and responsible society. By actively participating in community initiatives, individuals and organizations can make a positive difference and contribute to a brighter future for everyone. That is where Investors in Community comes in.

If  you are interested in learning more or how IIC can help you achieve these goals, please contact a member of our team today:

When you engage in acts of kindness, only good things happen…

As you help someone or give a gift, your brain secretes “feel good” chemicals such as: Serotonin (which regulates your mood). Dopamine (which gives you a sense of pleasure). Oxytocin (which creates a sense of connection with others):
  1. Serotonin: Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating mood, happiness, and overall emotional well-being. Acts of kindness and generosity can lead to increased serotonin levels in the brain, contributing to a more positive and uplifted mood.
  2. Dopamine: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with the brain’s reward and pleasure system. Acts of kindness can trigger the release of dopamine, creating a sense of pleasure and reward, which reinforces the behavior of helping and giving.
  3. Oxytocin: Oxytocin is often referred to as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone” because it plays a key role in creating a sense of connection and trust with others. Acts of kindness, particularly those involving social interactions, can lead to increased oxytocin release, fostering a sense of emotional connection and empathy.
  4. Endorphins: Endorphins are neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Engaging in acts of kindness can trigger the release of endorphins, leading to feelings of pleasure and reduced stress.


These “feel good” chemicals not only enhance our emotional well-being but also promote positive social interactions and strengthen social bonds. Acts of kindness and giving can have a positive ripple effect, leading to increased happiness and improved social cohesion within communities. Additionally, the act of helping others and experiencing the positive effects of these chemicals can reinforce prosocial behaviors, encouraging individuals to continue engaging in acts of kindness and altruism.

Please feel free to contact a member of our team today:

Positive effects of partnering with charities and good causes

Partnering with charities can have several positive effects for businesses and organizations. Here are some of the benefits of partnering with charities to support them:
  1. Enhanced Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Partnering with charities demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility, which can improve the public image and reputation of a company. It shows that the organization is actively engaged in making a positive impact on society.
  2. Increased brand visibility and awareness: Collaborating with charities allows for joint marketing and promotional activities, which can increase brand visibility and awareness. Through such partnerships, businesses can reach new audiences and potential customers who may be more inclined to support a brand that aligns with charitable causes.
  3. Positive brand association: Supporting a charity can create positive associations with a brand. Consumers often perceive companies involved in charitable activities as more caring and compassionate. This association can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive brand sentiment.
  4. Employee engagement and morale: Partnering with charities can boost employee engagement and morale. Many employees appreciate working for companies that are involved in meaningful initiatives and give back to society. Engaging employees in volunteering or fundraising efforts for the chosen charity can foster teamwork and a sense of purpose among staff members.
  5. Networking and collaboration opportunities: Partnering with charities opens doors to collaboration with other organizations and individuals that are involved in similar causes. This can lead to valuable networking opportunities, strategic partnerships, and knowledge sharing.
  6. Tax benefits: Depending on the jurisdiction, businesses may be eligible for tax benefits or deductions for their charitable contributions. This can provide financial incentives for partnering with charities.
  7. Fulfilling a social mission: Partnering with charities allows businesses to contribute to social causes and make a tangible difference in people’s lives. This sense of fulfillment can be rewarding for both the organization and its employees.
  8. Innovation and creativity: Collaborating with charities can spark innovation and creativity within an organization. It may inspire employees to come up with new ideas, products, or services that align with the charitable cause and address societal needs.
  9. Long-term sustainable impact: By partnering with charities, businesses can support projects and programs that create long-term sustainable impact. Whether it’s addressing environmental issues, promoting education, or tackling poverty, sustained support can lead to meaningful change over time.

Overall, partnering with charities provides organizations with an opportunity to give back to society, enhance their brand, engage employees, and create a positive impact on the world around them.

The UK’s upcoming Sustainable Disclosure Requirements (SDR)

The UK’s upcoming Sustainable Disclosure Requirements (SDR) are a set of measures and modifications that would institutionalize and unify SECR, TCFD, and ESOS reporting into an overall, annual set of sustainability reporting requirements.

SDR will include:

  • Full TCFD reporting, including Scope 3 emissions
  • Additional non-climate sustainability and ESG reporting disclosure to include charity and community work (volunteering, donations & gifting)
  • A detailed transition plan outlining the submitter’s path to net zero emissions


While SDR has yet to be finalized and officially implemented, we expect it will emerge as the definitive UK sustainability reporting standard. SDR may also introduce a UK Green Taxonomy, similar to EU sustainability legislation.

The UK SDR is designed to centralise the UK’s new enhanced climate, sustainability, and ESG reporting, disclosure, and communications requirements expected to be finalized and take effect: 2023

Employer-supported volunteering (ESV)

Employer-supported volunteering (ESV) is a type of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program in which companies encourage or enable their employees to volunteer during working hours. This means that employees are given paid time off to volunteer for a cause or organization of their choice, either individually or as part of a team.

ESV is a win-win situation for both companies and their employees. For companies, ESV can help to improve their corporate social responsibility credentials, enhance their reputation, and boost employee engagement and loyalty. For employees, ESV can provide an opportunity to give back to the community, develop new skills, and enhance their personal and professional development.

Some examples of ESV initiatives include:

  • Organizing team volunteering events, such as cleaning up a local park, serving food at a homeless shelter, or mentoring disadvantaged youth.
  • Providing employees with paid time off to volunteer with a charity or nonprofit organization of their choice.
  • Offering skills-based volunteering opportunities, such as providing marketing or IT support to a nonprofit organization.

Overall, ESV is a great way for companies to make a positive impact on society, while also providing employees with valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth.

If  you are interested in learning more or how IIC can help, please contact a member of our team today:


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