IIC-Platform | InvestorsInCommunity IIC-Platform – InvestorsInCommunity
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Integrated platform

The IIC Platform is an innovative SaaS solution designed to streamline the entire process of giving for businesses, individuals, and charities. This unified platform integrates advanced technology with a user-friendly interface, to engage, manage and verify all five forms of giving: donations, fundraising, volunteering, pro-bono services, and gifts.

The IIC platform distinguishes itself with its comprehensive integrated approach to the end-to-end strategy of engaging in community based activities, that simplifies complex transactions, from initial engagement to completion. Its ease of use and customisable features facilities widespread participation across all levels of engagement, improves social impact outcomes, whilst ensuring transparency, efficiency, and a rewarding experiences for all involved.

Completely Free

For individuals and Charities - no subscription, No transaction costs, No Admin fees

Flexible Business Subscription

Pay per employee, unlimited access to features, no hidden charges



We have made it easy for you to get started, with a simple pay per employee subscription model options that allows you access to the complete suite of features available to manage your impact, no add on fees, no hidden charges.

For Businesses


We have made access to this platform completely free for individuals - what’s even more exciting is there are no admin fees applied so you can rest assured that all your contributions will go to your chosen cause.

For Individuals


We have made access to this platform completely free for Charities.  No Subscription Fee and no transaction or admin fees applied, so you can be sure all of your supporting contributions will reach you.

For Charities

Platform Benefits & Capabilities

Streamlining the way Social Impact is created, managed, rewarded, improved and evidenced.

Whether you’re a business looking to enhance your CSR/ESG initiatives, an individual seeking meaningful ways to contribute, or a charity aiming to increase visibility and support, the IIC platform is your comprehensive solution for driving social change and making a lasting impact.

Its more than a just a data tool, not only is it an end to end engagement platform, but with the unique Community Credits offering standardised measurement and rewards, with life enhancing benefits, helping drive an economy fueld by Social Value.

  • Unified Platform

    Streamline operations for all stakeholders at all levels to improve operations, save time & reduce costs

  • Live Marketplace

    Find charities & good causes to support their projects or create your own initiatives

  • Realtime Activity Engagement & Reporting

    Simple dashboard showcasing historical, present and future projects of engagement

  • Verified data & Impact Statements

    Build trust and transparency with Blockchain verified data and impact statements

  • Collaborate & Showcase

    Build or join communities to expand your impact through effective collaboration

  • Rewards & Incentives

    Build or join communities to expand your impact through effective collaboration

Profiles for Business, Individuals & Charities

The platform has been designed for simplicity and longevity in mid - thats why we centre the profiles around individual profiles that can easily connect or disconnect to business or charity profiles.

Individuals Lifetime Achievement Records: Each individual has their own profile that captures their entire record of engagement and impact, which can be associated with a business or charity profile. Activities can be marked as personal or business time, with recognition given accordingly.

Business Profiles: Offers comprehensive suite of management and tracking tools - putting you in control of how you manage and deploy your impact

Charity profiles: Offers charities the ability seek community support, manage initiatives with ease, providing them the ability to accept or reject offer and communicate effectively with supporters on projects and initiatives.

Business Customisation tools

The platform offers business profiles a vast array of tools to influence, manage and audit engagement throughout their entire business - putting you in control. from employee segmentation into different groups to measure and incentivise their activities - to sign off both a corporate and group level.

Book a demo with us to find out more.

End to End Engagement

Engagement at Local and National Levels: Many people struggle to find local initiatives to engage in, often spending hours discovering local charities or good causes to volunteer for or donate to. The platform allows charities to load their own projects of support needed, shown on a live marketplace where businesses and individuals can engage.

Creation of Projects: Businesses and individuals can create their own projects and associate them with a charity, such as a fundraising event.

All Forms of Giving: The platform covers all five forms of giving: donation of funds, fundraising, general volunteering, pro bono volunteering, and gifting of items.

Project Identification and Creation: Engage through the entire process of giving, from identifying or creating projects to offering support directly through the platform and communicating with the charity directly.

Transaction Tracking: Tracks the entire transaction process and offers real-time reporting on your status, such as how many charities you have supported, how much volunteering and gifting you have completed, or what is pending completion. This helps businesses manage their ESG/CSR execution and obligations with real-time reporting and verified auditing.

Enhanced Collaboration

Collaboration Groups: Create public or private groups for collaboration, useful for supply chain groups or personal groups like family and friends to engage together.

Standardised Measurement and Impact

Standardised Measurement: This creates the first standardised measurement for all community engagement and CSR giving activities, eradicating greenwashing.

Digital Tokens: Upon completion of any activity, businesses or individuals receive community credits, a digital token awarded on a standardised method (e.g., each hour of volunteering or each pound donated receives the same amount of community credits).

Upon completion of an activity, the charity completes an impact statement that helps the business understand the value of the contribution. This supports marketing efforts to communicate their value or ESG results and report to shareholders.

Reward and Incentives

Coming soon through our value exchange platform Community credits can be exchanged for life-enhancing benefits such as discounts from retailers or service providers, incentivising and rewarding participants.

Business Subscription Packages

Monthly Subscription

£10.00 per employee

Onboarding package to suit business

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Annual Subscription

£100.00 per employee

Onboarding package to suit business

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