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How To Nail Ethical Manufacturing

July 15, 2021

  • Philip Webb

How To Nail Ethical Manufacturing

Ethical manufacturing is part and parcel of running an environmentally and socially conscious business. As ethical manufacturers, you will be an essential link in the supply chain, allowing your partners to showcase their social value and ethical practices. Being in ethical manufacturing will allow you to win more clients and build brand awareness, ultimately allowing you to further improve your local communities, as well as build profitability.


In this blog, we’ll take a look at what exactly ethical manufacturing involves, the reasons why it’s great for business, and how you can take steps to becoming an even more ethical manufacturer.


What’s Involved In Ethical Manufacturing

Ethical manufacturing is all about giving back. Giving back to employees, to customers, and to the communities you’re part of. Consider what’s important to your staff and your clients so that you can ensure you’re giving back in the areas that mean the most to your organisation. When it comes to ethical manufacturing, it’s important to acknowledge that each member of your team comes from a community, likely the same one where your workplace is located, and so working to improve those local communities is essential to be seen as an ethical manufacturer. Working with local communities also means that your employees will be able to physically see the impact you as a company are having on charities, social enterprises, and community projects right where they live, ultimately boosting morale and motivation.


Presenting as an ethical manufacturer gives consumers the peace of mind that not only will they be purchasing safe products, but they are also buying from a company that cares. By showcasing ethical manufacturing processes, you’ll naturally build trust among your target audiences, and presenting honesty and transparency encourages your consumers to choose your products, time and time again.


Working in ethical manufacturing means you’re usually just one part of a supply chain, and to ensure that your ethical status remains intact, you need to be sure that each supplier and consumer you work with matches or exceeds your own ethical practices. This means showcasing your social value and encouraging your suppliers and customers to do the same, making it clear that your supply chain is entirely focused on ethical manufacturing and the communities you work within.

ethical manufacturing

Why It’s Good For Business

Ethical manufacturers who give back to their communities welcome improved morale and motivation in their workplaces. This naturally leads to greater levels of discretionary effort from each team member, thus improving productivity as your employees work hard towards their meaningful purpose. Ethical manufacturing doesn’t go unnoticed either by those outside of the company. Giving back to charities and community projects will build brand awareness, locally and beyond, showcasing your business as ethical and sustainable. Being in ethical manufacturing also suggests a level of care for your employees. This will in turn encourage more potential new recruits to show an interest in your organisation, allowing you to choose the top talent for your teams.


Ethical manufacturing naturally gives the company an air of transparency, building that all-important trust among their consumers and potential new customers. If the supply chain can be seen to be ethical all the way along, this will also drive sales and profits through an improved brand image and greater brand awareness. More and more consumers of today are looking for sustainable and ethical products and services, and what’s more, they’re generally willing to pay even more for them too. This means that by showcasing your company as an ethical manufacturer, you’ll welcome more customers, more sales, and thus greater profits.


How To Achieve Ethical Manufacturing

Ethical manufacturing partially comes down to the supply chain and ensuring that sustainable and social standards are kept high throughout. This means sometimes having to charge a little bit more for your end products, but as we’ve previously established, consumers of today are willing to invest in ethical and sustainable products. Showcasing your sustainability and your social value are also key in ethical manufacturing, as this is what will attract new customers and potential new recruits who share your values. This is where Investors In Community comes in. Our platform allows your ethical manufacturing business and your employees to contribute to the causes that mean the most to them. Setting up a fundraiser, planning some volunteering initiatives, and simply donating to charities and social enterprises are all easy with Investors In Community. Plus, we’ll also help you to build your reputation as an ethical manufacturer. As you and your team donate your time and funds to local worthwhile causes, you will earn Community Credits. These credits should be showcased on your website, social media, and even in your workplace to visibly display your conscious efforts to improve your local community and give back to those people who need it most.


By highlighting your ethical manufacturing business through Community Credits, you’ll showcase your business as ethical, environmental, and socially-conscious, attracting more custom to your door, and building great brand awareness. Communities, charities, and social causes are becoming increasingly important to consumers and suppliers and so by showcasing your commitment to your social value, you’ll set the precedent for ethical manufacturing, towering over your competitors, and welcoming new custom and greater profits.


When you’re ready to take centre stage in your sector through ethical manufacturing, the Investors In Community platform is here to improve your brand awareness, productivity, and your social value. Take a look at our website to indulge in our free trial.

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