A single platform to ask for money, people, and gifts

For Charities
Request Demofor all charities, schools, nfp’s, and community groups
It is very simple – join the platform by creating your organisation’s profile. This showcases your aims, ambitions, and needs. Use pictures, and engage with your likely supporters
Once done, you are free to create as many little focus projects on the “live marketplace”. These are unlimited in number, always for free, and showcase your needs, support required, and what you will do with it.
When your project is complete, we only ask that you fill out the Impact statement that feeds back to all of your project supporters. This provides the needed data to businesses, but also showcases and promotes your good cause.
For the Charities and Community Groups – this incurs no charges whatsoever. No monthly fee, no deductions from donations, no transaction fees. We think it is only fair that those who need help, are not charged for the ability to ask. We are the only platform that charges the recipient good causes NOTHING.
The Five Ways of Giving
The IIC platform is unique, as it provides for the management and measurement of the 5 ways of giving:
Shout about your good causes
The IIC giving platform is a beautifully designed national marketplace allowing your charity or non-profit organisation/community project to promote your good cause and attract financial and volunteering support from individuals and Businesses.

Access a wide range of businesses who want to help
Engage with volunteers, who earn Community Credits by using our platform
Simple to use- live dashboards, messaging, documents
Donor attraction
Launch Unlimited projects asking for ANYTHING
A direct donation button on your profile (no charge)
Free forever to qualifying good-cause organisations
Gift Aid collected for you and distributed if eligible
Market your cause on a level playing field with everyone.
A little more about our Gift Aid and our cost model...
At Investors in Community, we really value transparency and we know you do too, which is why we wanted to provide some more information on our cost model and the way we handle Gift Aid.
The first thing you need to know is that Investors in Community operates a CIO registered charity (1165530) called Investors in Community Giving.
It was set up to act as a charity for all of the individual charities and community groups that use our platform, to provide a safe holding area for all your donation money that is uploaded and held by donors own giving wallets.
Operated separately from the IIC Business that manages the platform and business subscribers, this is a “client account” for all your donation money, before it is distributed to you as the recipient
How Investors In Community Giving Charity manage its funds
All money uploaded by donors, be they individuals or businesses, are effectively donated to Investors In Community Giving Charity (IICG), where they are held as restricted funds prior to being passed on to other charities, community groups, schools and NFP’s on the instruction of the users in due course
If allowed, IICG will claim the gift aid on behalf of the qualifying donor, and this amount will be held until the donor nominates their chosen good cause to pass the money to.
If you as a good cause are Gift Aid registered, then the system will apportion the relevant gift aid and pass to your charity draw down wallet. Gift Aid is claimed quarterly at present, but monthly claims are intended in the near future.
As soon as the gift aid amount is received from HMRC, the apportionment will occur, and you will be notified of how much you can draw down from the platform
If your organisation is NOT Gift Aid registered, but receive money from a Gift Aid qualifying donor, then this amount will remain with IICG Charity as unrestricted funds
Periodically surplus funds will be granted by the IICG trustees, to good causes across the UK as determined by them.
NOTE: any funds that are available for you to draw down must first be cleared through a simple Anti Money-Laundering process, to verify your identity and that of your organisation. We will contact you and guide you through this process, which we hope to automate soon.

How Investors in Community Giving receives funds
Our charity receives its income from one of three sources:

Via donations from the Citercom Limited company (13770754) T/A: Investors In Community, which charges businesses an annual subscription fee to use its platform.

Via Gift Aid from qualifying individuals who donate.

Via external grants and donations.
Interested in getting your charity signed up?
Investors In Community platform may already have your basic details listed. Please use the EXPLORE function in the menu bar to see if you have a listed profile. If so, please use the CONTACT US form to request details of how you can simply take over your profile, and then use it to great effect.
If you are not listed, then use the links below to create your profile quickly and easily
Click here to follow our easy step-by-step guide to signing up your charity Charity Sign Up
Here’s a guide for Onboarding Charities Onboarding
Here’s a guide for Adding Projects Charities Projects
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!
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