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Peter Schriewersmann works alongside Investors In Community to raise funds for ambulances for Ukraine.

April 24, 2022

  • Philip Webb

Peter Schriewersmann works alongside Investors In Community to raise funds for ambulances for Ukraine.

Peter Schriewersmann, a partner in Hotel Anfield, launched his project on the Investors In Community platform to raise money for the purchase of a number of ambulances to gift to the Ukraine. The charitable giving platform, IIC, helps firms to find good causes that need help in their local area. As well as measure, record and report other fundraising, donations and volunteering to show the full extent of their social responsibility.

When he heard of the situation in Ukraine, Peter asked himself: “What can we do, that will have a tangible impact?”

Regarding the project, Peter said “Never ever have I felt as committed to a cause as I do to this one. What is happening in Ukraine is horrendous. A proud European country might cease to exist, I still struggle to comprehend. It makes certain things feel so much less secure.

My wife Joanna, who is from Poland and massively involved with the regional Polish relief effort, has inspired me massively. Last week, she told me, that the Ukrainians are massively short of ambulances. I have seen small numbers of donations of ambulances being made … I spoke to my cousin Thomas, from Rietberg, Germany and he has a close Dutch connection who currently has 11 used Mercedes and VW ambulances for sale. They dropped the price for all of those ambulances to 150000€ plus 5000€ for accommodation, petrol etc.

This project will make a tangible difference. It will save people’s lives. Us ordinary people have the power to make an extraordinary difference.”

In a time where many people were lost and in severely stressful situations, Peter, his friends and family stepped up to provide this support. It was also a difficult time for us to know exactly where we as individuals could donate to support the aid for Ukraine. Peter brought to light something many of us overlooked and enabled many people to offer their support in a way they had not previously thought of.

Peter and his team raised a staggering £30k+ and they were able to successfully drive the ambulances across to Poland for safe delivery into the Ukraine.

Peters kindness and generosity has inspired many and we are thrilled he chose to work with Investors In Community to achieve this incredible feat.

If you’re interested in creating your own charitable project, you can do so here:

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