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Tips and Tricks for Charities To Create A Great Project On IIC

April 19, 2021

  • Philip Webb

Tips and Tricks for Charities To Create A Great Project On IIC

Tip 1. Make your project relevant to COVID-19.

At the moment people are more inclined to donate to Projects Relevant To Coronavirus, it’s something that affects all of us so it’s very easy to relate to and find sympathy for peoples needs, so make sure you relate fundraisers and volunteering opportunities to this. This could be home working IT equipment, shopping for neighbours, asking for admin volunteers who can work from home or even adopting/fostering an animal whilst we’re all stuck at home!

Tip 2. Have realistic goals.

We find all too often that if someone sees a project on our platform that needs over £10,000 it seems far too unrealistic, we suggest advertising for small pots of money needed, £500-£1,000 sounds far more achievable than £10,000 therefore, people are more likely to donate as it provides a sense of accomplishment to see something completed that you have helped. It also feels far more useful to donate £20 to a project of £200 than to donate £20 to a project that needs £5,000.

Tip 3. Advertise on your social media.

IIC will happily advertise your projects and show them off to as many people as possible but it helps enormously if there are multiple different sources advertising the project, you also have dedicated followers on your socials who are more likely to donate through a link you post as it’s far more trustworthy and feels more personalised for them.

Tip 4. Give your project a purpose, not only to keep the charity running.

Whilst funds to keep daily charity needs running are vital right now people are more inclined to donate to something when they know what exactly their money will be used for, we suggest saying that £5 will get you this, £10 will get you this etc. It’s good to be able to see what your donation will do, you should also post on your socials about thanking people for donations, it feels good to be appreciated so make sure your donors know you appreciate them.

Tip 5. Appeal to people & businesses you already know.

This also goes hand in hand with social posts, your followers tend to be the people most dedicated to your charity and will be More Inclined To Help if they see you need it, this can be done through phone calls, emails, letters etc to all your contacts.

Tip 6. Set a minimum goal of £1.

Be sure to set your minimum goal as £1 on the IIC Platform, this means even if a project is not fully completed you can still get what is remaining of the donations. If you don’t remember to do this you could lose the donations you have if your project completes and you don’t have enough funds!

Also, remember that whilst it’s hard right now, this will all be over soon and everything is going to be okay!

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